Chapter 100 – To The Jury: What If it Had Been Rape?

What if an executive filed a whistleblower complaint. The company and the executive disgaree as to when he was fired. The executive claims it was after he filed his whistleblower complaint. The company position is that it was before. Nonetheless, the executive was outraged and on his last day went  down the hall, entered the office of the SVP of Marketing, your daughter, and raped her. Your daughter owns a substantial part of the company.

The police were called in. There was security video of the rapist going into your daughters office.No other video, but a trail of other evidence. Your daughter filed a report and expected that the wheels of justice would result in the executive’s arrest, but aside from questioning there was no arrest. The executive’s position is that the sexual contact was consensual. The police continued to investigate but nothing more became of it.

Your daughter filed a lawsuit seeking a civil remedy. She actually had a great deal of evidence, prior emails, texts, recordings of threats, forensic reports, witness testimony hearing what they though were screams coming from your daughter’s office during the attack, medical records confirming his DNA, the trauma nurse as a witness. All the evidence that would have been important in a criminal trial, but this is not a criminal trial. It’s a civil trial and your daughter is seeking $2 Million in damages.

The company and the former executive duked it out in court over the executives whistleblower claim. Your daughter was a key witness. The executive was seeking a multi-million dollar claim against the company and of course your daughter is an owner of the company as well.

A few months before the trial began a new attorney shows up for the former executive. This attorney happens to be the former partner and former girlfriend of the Judge. Neither one of them disclose this and the trial goes poorly for the company. The company’s position is that not only does their overwhelming evidence prove that the executive was fired before his complaint, but that even if that was not true he would have been fired for all that he did on his last day…and not just to your daughter. But the company lost.

Horrified over what happened to her company and friends at the hands of this madman former executive, with the help of attorney and judge, she chooses to not pursue her civil trial. Years pass, the executive now emboldened by his successes turns on your daughter. His attorneys have a thirst for your daughter’s assets, her home and her property.

She writes her story with the support of the senior executives of the company now out of business. She is sued. The former CEO is sued, both by the rapist. And the rapist claims he is protected from any disclosure of his alleged rape because he filed a whistle blower complaint before the rape.

Yes rape is clearly violent and horrible and worse than the interests of a company that was destroyed, worse than the hundreds of employees displaced for a time. But it does not change the analysis.

And it’s worth considering if you the jury would be dissuaded to treat the rapists interests inferior to the victim, instead of allowing the rapist to hurt again.

The rapist can always file a defamation lawsuit, if he dares, but the truth is a defense in such an action. Whereas, in a retaliation case the truth is lost in the bias of a jury who wants to preserve for themselves an opportunity to file a false claim without consequence. The rapist can claim that he has suffered emotional distress even though that distress is about the truth coming out.

This Chapter is intended to question the inherent bias of a jury, for the employee and against the employer, and ask would you the jury make a different decision “if it was rape”? I think you would.


Chapter 83 – The Scorpion and The Frog: An Attorney Exploiting an Elder Statesman

“A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, both would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog then agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion points out that this is its nature.”

–Fable of the Scorpion and the Frog

Having referred the defendant to Linda Marshall, the arbitrator in all likelihood became committed to the position espoused by her. I don’t think that was his goal or plan.

Every day the arbitrator asked Linda Marshall where we left off. I was surprised by this and it did not dawn on me at the time that Mr. C  may not have had the stamina to and cognitive skills to deal with a lot of the evidence, especially the forensics data. I presume this is why both Marshall and Christiansen do not want the forensic reports published.

So, what if the referral was innocent enough at the time but by the time the hearings began the arbitrator’s cognitive skills were not up to par. Couple this with my decision to proceed in the later half of the arbitration without counsel and you may just have a perfect opportunity to exploit a former colleague, the arbitrator. My decision to proceed without counsel was based on our overwhelming evidence , part of which we got in while still represented by counsel. The second reason, however, spun on finding out that Marshall worked with the arbitrator and was a former partner. I did not know that when we started. And an admission by our former counsel that he received a call from a Judge slamming me personally, which again was not shared until late into the process, was enough for me to proceed without counsel, which you can do in an arbitration.

There was an event that I have not covered yet. Part way through the arbitration we finally noticed that the defendant had a recording device in the hearing and it remained on while we occupied the room at break talking about case, strategy, etc. It was stopped after we raised the issue, but wow.

Lets identify the kep parts of our  position and lace in the arguments for and against. Those key arguments or events are (1) the shut down caused by M, (2) the termination date supported by the email evidence and witness testimony and (3) their position that M was fired because of his complaint (and evidence) to the ODJ.

The shut down was caused by M’s withholding and destroying of our software programs designed to process data and generate reports for our clients from the 100,000 bits of data we generated every day.  After the shutdown we hired an expert in our field to fly out and regenerate the programs. It took him four days. He also looked for the programs with the help of our IT department and found nothing on our servers nor on the computer hard drive returned by M. He testified on that issue. A forensic expert testified and produced a report of these very programs on a 2nd hard drive provided by M, but that hard drive had been reformatted. At the time the 2nd hard drive  was provided to us we were told by M that this hard drive was still not functioning, that it was broken. That turned out to not be the case. It was functioning and it’s where M had kept his music, videos and eBay files.

M testified that there were no programs, that he simply wrote code every day to generate the reports. Now on average each of our clients had three unique daily reports and we haad about 6 clients. The data we created daily was in a databas e run on a Unix operating system. That string of data had to be extracted, converted and moved to database tables. Back then M used Foxpro to generate the reports. We didn’t buy a package of reports. We had to write the code to do all of this and its hundreds of lines of code over multiple operating systems to accomplish this. We had 5 people testify on our behalf, which included the Foxpro and forensic experts. M’s group had only his testimony. The arbitrator was silent in his opinion about the shutdown, which was necessary for M’s claims to survive and our damages to be denied. It is hard to imagine that anyone would believe M on his point that he just wrote the code daily, when he could have saved and stored the code. But apparently the arbitrator chose to. believe M.

The second body of proof we offered was that M had been fired on October 2nd, well before he filed his complaint on October 27th.  We retained the email firing him. We retained the computer on which the email was sent. Forensic reports by our group confirmed the email was sent on October 2nd. A forensic report by M’s expert confirmed the email was sent on October 2nd. M claimed he didn’t get the email or letter terminating him, but we didn’t have to. We had forensics and the testimony of 3 other people versus M’s sole testimony. Also remember that M destroyed his computers on which he maintained his outlook email account. We were entitled to an inference that the receipt of the email is what M destroyed.

M’s position was that he did not receive an email or letter terminating him. He admitted to destroying his computers. He maintained that he kept his email on the computer hard drive he returned; however the forensic reports show that the only email account on that computer was created the day before M returned the computer and there were no emails attributable to him while the computer was in his possession. M also pointed out that I had refused to fire him 4 days earlier when he was attempting to hold us hostage for a raise in order to process data 5 months over due. I did days before but once he caught up on the data and I had a chance to talk to my IT staff, I fired him…on October 2nd.

I can’t explain the arbitrator’s rejection of the forensic evidence, even M’s forensic experts opinion, except to say that it has to fall into one of the three conclusions. The first is that his cognitive skills were bad enough that he was not able to discern the credibility of the evidence. The second is that he was benefitting somehow. The third was that he was angry after his recusal and bent over backwards to simply punish. I’m opting for failing cognitive skills.  Knowing that his cognitive skills had deteriorated, M and Marshall put on false evidence to give the arbitrator something to hold onto. Exploiting the elderly is based on something similar.

I am not an attorney but it strikes me as very dangerous to put on false evidence and to engage in false testimony. The degree to which M and Marshall did this however was startling. There is a tremendous record, which they don’t want us to publish, but that’s too bad. The truth lives in the light, not the darkness.

The third category of evidence was of course the existence of the spreadsheet which M and Marshall maintained showed over-billing. To the arbitrator’s credit he had already found that there was no evidence of over-billing. He did that before his recusal. We put on evidence that the spreadsheet was fabricated. M claimed that he had received it via email, but did not produce the email and of course destroyed his computers. The spreadsheet showed time being written off, which M claimed was inappropriate. Most importantly M testified that none of it was criminal, just inappropriate. His complaint to the ODJ however alleged criminal activity, which he retracted. He did not produce the spreadsheet to the ODJ and the file was closed. The spreadsheet was not corroborated by M. He did not call witnesses. He produced no admissions from anyone on the spreadsheet. He did no forensics work on the computer from which he claimed the spreadsheet was created (and we looked and it could not be found). Nada.

With the rejection of the shutdown and rejection of the termination date, the arbitrator still had to find that M relied on the spreadsheet evidence in good faith and was terminated because of his complaint. And that’s what he did.

The arbitrators cognitive skill deterioration was an issue brought to my attention before the hearing began, by one of my attorneys. He had been told this by a member of the arbitrator’s law firm. I know who that is.

I am going to presume that because of the vast amount of fraudulent testimony and evidence offered by M and Marshall, that Marshall knew of the arbitrator’s condition and exploited it. Left alone and without the benefit of a clerk to help, arbitrator C was overwhelmed and confused. He therefore worked backwards. First he was angry about being called out on a conflicts issue and decided to punish. In the absence of cognitive deterioration, he would not have done that. He was getting pressure to punish and he did. Once he decided how much to punish, the opinion became a stepping stone of justifications to eliminate our overwhelming evidence.

There is nothing that the Oregon State Bar or the Court has done to reverse this tragedy of errors. Quite the opposite, they have done everything they can to assist in covering it up. No one wants to make fun or embarrass arbitrator C, except for M and Marshall…who made that decision some time ago.  However, covering it up does not make the truth go away. Joel’s new lawsuit does not make the truth go away.

In the fable, the scorpion convinces the frog to take the scorpion across the pond. In this case Marshall is the scorpion. She knew the arbitrator was in need of guidance to allow him to render a judgment consistent with the evidence and the truth. Mr. C’s reliance was not well placed. He did not know me. He did know her. And she stung him just like she stung me and her profession.

My attorney’s were guilty of not dispensing of this case 6 years sooner. I hold both Scott Cliff and Jeff Edelson responsible for that.  They were also guilty of not replacing the arbitrator when they learned of the cognitive impairment. There is no one at the Oregon State Bar dealing with cognitive impairment of practicing attorneys until such time a complaint is filed in some form. By then someone is hurt.

The scorpion survives. A lot of people got stung.

There are numerous studies on the cognitive issues in senior judges. I refer you here to one piece titled “Inside the Judicial Mind.”inside-the-judicial-mind.



Chapter 82 -The Anti-Slapp Con

After considerable effort I was able to acquire via subpoena the false and defamatory statements made by Joel Christiansen and Linda Marshall. Unfortuantely I was unable to secure this evidence until well after the first hearing on the motion to strike my complaint against the two perps.

Once I filed my motion to appeal, Robert Herndon, Chief Judge Clackamas County, and at a hearing on my motion fo reconsideration based on the subpoena evidence, the Judge decided that it was out of his jurisdiction.

What that means is that the two perps got away with perjury, they got away with lieing to the court, the plf got away with assisting these perps with the lie and tagged me with the bill for filing the lawsuit.

Ultimately the anti-slapp lawsuit is now just an opportunity for the court to exercise control over a lawsuit and deny the plaintiff an opportunity for a trial before a jury.

Chapter 80 – Joel Christiansen

I note on Joel’s website that he represents both employees and employers ( but have to take issue with that. Joel is firmly in the employee frame of mind. In fact I think he has a general disregard, if not disdain, for employers.

I’m going to add a little to this post every day once I figure out how to best describe Joel. But lets start with with an enthusiasm for pursuing ridiculously offensive lawsuits designed to extort money from an employer. This is why I would not recommend Joel to an employer, because any attorney willing to do that to an employer wont hesitate to mislead you. As an employer you are just a target to Joel. He has no regard for you. I’ll explore that more tomorrow.

Chapter 77 – Yes, You Can Be Held Personally Liable for Your Company’s Data Breach – Here’s Why

Max Z, you should remember than when you destroy company property or open a computer (with privacy information stored on it) to hackers because you had to upload and download movie files, that you can be personally liable for the breach.

Business Cyber Risk

jeffmullinswebsizeda“Can I be held personally liable for my company’s data breach?”

That is one of the questions I am asked most frequently.  The answer is “YES!” though the usual reasons provided are not nearly as straightforward as the one discussed in the video below.

View original post 426 more words

Chapter 71 – My Motion For Sanctions Against Marshall

I am often appalled by the craziness and complete inapplicability of a legal complaint to the actual facts. In my case involving my former employee, it is clear that they are seeking damages they have no right to seek by contract or law.

Frivolous litigation may be based on absurd legal theories, may involve a superabundance or repetition of motions or additional suits, may be uncivil or harassing to the court, or may claim extreme remedies. A claim or defense may be frivolous because it had no underlying justification in fact, or because it was not presented with an argument for a reasonable extension or reinterpretation of thelaw. A claim may be deemed frivolous because existing laws unequivocally prohibit such a claim, such as a so-called Good Samaritan law.

In the United States, Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and similar state rules require that an attorney perform a due diligence investigation concerning the factual basis for any claim or defense. Jurisdictions differ on whether a claim or defense can be frivolous if the attorney acted in good faith. Because such a defense or claim wastes the court’s and the other parties’ time, resources and legal fees, sanctions may be imposed by a court upon the party or the lawyer who presents the frivolous defense or claim. The law firm may also be sanctioned, or even held in contempt.

See my motion for sanctions as follows. doc-152.

Soon I’ll be filing a motion for sanctions against Joel Christiansen for the new lawsuit filed on Christmas Eve 2015. I wonder if the filing of the lawsuit means Joel is an Atheist. I know my former employee and his attorney financee are atheist. I suppose that makes the immoral decisions they frequestly make so much easier.

And as you my readers know, I have filed numerous ethics complaints against Joel and Linda. The BAR does not care.

Chapter 56 – Marshall and Christiansen Confess

In a response to the Oregon State Bar, Linda Marshall confessed that she and Joel Christiansen, counsel for M, contacted the deputy of Judge Robert E. Jone’s Chamber. They have not clarified what they said to the deputy but it was referenced to Chapter 19 of this blog. We can presume I think that M&C represented to the deputy that they felt the blog was some kind of threat. The language in the blog that appears to have been referenced is “Congratulations Judge Jones. Perhaps more often than not our legacies are not what we wanted them to be.”

It appears to me that the goal of M&C is not simply to destroy my property. It’s to destroy my life and they don’t seem to get the fact that their contact to a Federal Judge, making this absurd allegation that I intended violence, is not just defamatory as to me. Rather it is an insult to all of us, because it confirms that the equivalent of backroom politics in civil litigation is alive and well. And when backroom politics becomes a strategy, it also acknowledges that Judges actively set the facts aside to benefit those they simply like. It’s not simply activism.

The admission by M&C means that the perversion of justice is more than alive and well. It means that attorneys value this strategy as much if not more than the facts of a case and it confirms the inconsistency of our judiciary. Perhaps it confirms that innuendo has greater weight than facts. Why is that? How did we get here?

For a country of laws, an independent, unbiased, well educated, intelligent and honest judiciary is a necessity. It’s not a luxury.

What are we going to do? Well, we are going to publish, disseminate, write our congressional delegation, challenge our media to critically evaluate this issue, raise the awareness and send out a million emails.

Until next time.


Chapter 52 – If…then

If, then is a conditional statement (also called an if-then statement) and in this case is a statement with a hypothesis followed by a conclusion. The hypothesis is the first, or “if,” part of a conditional statement. The conclusion is the second, or “then,” part of a conditional statement. The conclusion is the result of a hypothesis.

But as in any logical statement, a false or weak statement “if” statement will lead to an equally false conclusion statement. So if you say if If I am in California, then I am at Disneyland. That is False. I could be in San Francisco.

Or If I am not at Disneyland, then I am not in California.False. Again, I could be in San Francisco. SO lets use some of these if then statements in the context of Marshall, M, and Christiansen’s activity.Lets call them the M group.

If the M group wanted Judge Jones intervention then they would communicate with him. True. They would need to communicate with him or have someone else do so. If they did not want his intervention, they would not communicate with him. Also true. If they wanted Judge Jones to stay out of it then then would not bring the blog to his attention.

If only 5 unique people read my post Chapter 19 then one of the 5 communicated to Judge Jones or caused someone else to do so. True statement provided that one of the five is not Judge Jones.

If Judge Jones was one of the 5 readers of he would not have told the U.S. Marshals service that someone brought this to his attention. Could be true but then Judge Jones could have been lying about that. If he was lying about that then he was one of the 5 readers.

The Blog was not being indexed or marketed and a search for Judge Jones at that time would not have provided a link to the blog. The only links were to Marshall, “M” and the aribtrator. Marshall was the first to notify me that M ad found the blog and found my posts Defamatory.

If Judge Jones found the blog on his own then he would have been searching for Marshall, M or the aribtrator. I think that unlikely. If that is not true, then one of the 5 readers notified Judge Jones.

If someone notified Judge Jones, they would have some reason for doing so. True. What was the reason. The post was not a threat and someone needs to create the allegation that the post was a threat.

If someone wanted to create a false image of a threat, then they would do so for a reason. Seems logical that one of the 5 would not take the risk of making a false claim without something to gain.

The original 5 readers of the blog are me, Marshall, M, Ware & Christiansen. Essentially me and the M group.

But there is a little twist. The blog stats data provided by wordpress show that there are only 6 views of the post from the date of its writing. And on November 12, 2015, the day I posted it only one person viewed the post. Only One! And it wasn’t me.

If on November 12, 2015 only one person viewed the post then that person and or his agent contacted Judge Jones’ chamber. The M group.

The M group is not only guilty of contacting Judge Jones, but they are particularly guilty of twisting the meaning of the post suggesting a threat. More importantly in order to make that twist of meaning they wanted to get something out of it. And that was to Defame me or retaliate against me for writing this blog and to enlist the help of the US District Court.

While the retaliation intent is clear, I want to make sure the readers understand that the only reason Judge Jones ever entered consideration in the blog is because Marshall brought him in during the arbitration imploring the arbitrator to find in their favor because of a prior ruling and issue with Judge Jones. But in the larger message there is more and that was in the form of an instruction to the arbitrator to do as Marshall requested. If you extend this further the instruction came from Judge Jones. If it did not, the Marshall acted on her own and tried to manipulate the aribtrator.

There is no separate reason for Judge Jones to care about me nor for me to care about him. I moved on quickly past the issues that arose in that Sean Jones lawsuit. But what is important to remember is that while Judge Jones sought to intervene for Sean Jones, when I challenged him on that point he recused himself of the case and threw me out of his Chambers. And while he may have considered me impudent, it would take a particularly mental instability to care about me further. He told me to pay the judgement and my company did, but only after we exercised our legal appeal rights. So, if Marshall was recruited by Judge Jones or Bill to take on the M case in 2010, that’s a serious indictment on them and in particular the health of a Judge who has otherwise earned our respect.

M didn’t find Marshall through the OSB referral service. She was found for him and now we will be able to get to the real story.

Remember on November 12, 2015, the day of Judge Jones dinner, there was only one view of the Chapter 19 post.

Until next time.

Chapter 51 – My Lawsuit for Defamation

There are now three separate lawsuits.

The first a collections action by one of my company’s former employee and his now two attorneys. That litigation appears to be sponsored by X, who we will disclose at some point in the future.

The second is a lawsuit filed by one of the attorneys of my former employee M seeking damages for publishing this blog or for some elements of the blog, claiming that it is again retaliation for his “fictional” complaint to the ODJ.

The third is a complaint I filed against Joel Christiansen and Linda Marshall, attorneys for “M.” That complaint alleges that Marshall and Christiansen did or conspired or aided and abetted contacting The Honorable Robert E. Jones chamber and alleged that one of my blogs was veiled threat to do physical harm to Judge Jones. Then Judge Jones in turned contacted the U.S. Marshal’s service who contacted one of my attorneys and then me. Judge Jones wont tell me who contacted him, but the only readers of the blog were M and his team of attorneys.

The goal of that contact to Judge Jones chamber was designed to permanently defame me with the Federal Court and to gain some advantage in the first lawsuit as well as set some ground work for the second lawsuit. Most probably it was also to try to shut this blog down because we are getting very close to revealing the story behind the story. Recall that Marshall took it upon herself to bring references to prior litigation I had in front of Judge Jones more than 15 years ago. Her goal in doing so was to convince the arbitrator to find in her favor. I say her favor because she entered into a contingent fee agreement with my former employee “M” and wanted the arbitrator to award her a very large number. Pretty unscrupulous behavior.

Because of may examples of unscrupulous behavior by Marshall I filed a complaint with the Oregon Sate Bar. To suggest that the OSB pretends to care is accurate is true. They do a good job of that. To suggest however that the OSB actually cares that a former partner of an arbitrator is imploring him to set the facts aside and give her a big damage award is not true. The OSB does not care. The OSB’s first charge to protect and develop the franchise of law. It is not to protect the public.

And so after the second complaint about Marshall to the OSB and a rather pathetic response by the OSB, it seemed rather apparent to me that the OSB will only take this seriously if a jury of our peers considers a claim of aiding and abetting of the defamatory actions taken by Marshall and Christiansen, which on their part may only be aiding and abetting and concealing the behavior of someone else, but are benefiting from that action. After all if they are effective at tainting all actions I have in Federal court, they win a piece of that award.

So it’s a big deal. The biggest. It’s about making sure our judiciary remains honest and unbiased and uninfluenced by the unscrupulous and back room dealing of what probably represents a small portion of practicing attorneys. Frankly they should be cleaning this up themselves.

And with this post this blog will now be public. I have asked Joel and Linda to give me guidance and recommendations to meet their clients needs for privacy, which I am happy to do. But they have not responded and so I have implemented steps to keep M’s identity private to the degree I can and it is not possible to do so completely.

I am sad that this task has fallen on me. I would rather be playing golf and reading about it by someone more adept at telling this important story. But as far as I can tell no one including our news outlets want to be critical of judicial behavior and the unscrupulous behavior of attorneys who try to and some times successfully influence our judges and arbitrators to the detriment of our community.

But to their credit the FBI does care. The lawsuit is attached here.FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT

Until next time.

Chapter 43 – The New Lawsuit Part II

As I indicated before the new lawsuit attempts to do a few things, but the design of it is to shut the blog down. The theory behind the damages is that Mr. M has suffered emotional distress and has the potential challenge of a future employer finding this blog and more specifically the less than complimentary history that I allege I have outlined. I would remind the readers that Mr. M did prevail in the arbitration and the blog takes arbitration and emphasizes evidence the arbitrator intentionally ignored. Mr. M can write his own blog if he wishes.

The more interesting point I think is that the new attorney Joel is attempting to cast this lawsuit as not being defamation but rather retaliation to a former employee, one that has not worked for us in more than 12 years. The nature of the retaliation pleading is designed to provide some recovery of legal fees should they prevail.

In keeping with their current theory, they have sued every one of the corporate companies as well as my holding company and of course they have sued me. I think this is just one more example of the attorneys running the lawsuit game and perhaps using Mr. M for their own benefit.

I note that because we reached out to Mr. M’s attorney and asked how we could accommodate Mr. M on this identification question, but they have not responded. In fact I have requested a meeting now 4 times with no response. We did get this today. It was filed to make sure I was not representing the corporations. Why is that important? Because it is just designed to cost me money and lieu of that they want me to pay the unsecured debt of one of my corporations. R – [5] Objection

Naturally I welcome a defamation claim if they want to make it. The truth is a powerful thing. But as I have written many times the blog is not about Mr. M. It’s about the dishonest attorneys and judicial players around litigation that escalate the costs and engage in whatever is necessary to win.

This may well be a tactic to remove the references and challenges to the attorneys and other involved in this case historically. It certainly is not about the facts. The facts are frightening to them and I understand that. In so far as the complaint is public and easily find able via search, our efforts to bring some degree of anonymity for Mr. M pursuant to is conveyed interests appear to go away when he can try to garner some additional money at our…my expense. Here’s the complaint. 1-main

They must feel the US District Court is ready and willing to help. I need to write a Portlandia script about this.

Much of the consternation appears to be around the forensic reports. During the discovery stage of the arbitration one of my former attorneys entered into an agreement typical to these matters. I believe I have already addressed some of this but in essence if we were designate documents we provide and stamp it confidential the information may not be disclosed at any time by the other side. Never. The same is true if Mr. M’s team provided us confidential information and stamped in confidential, then we can not disclose it at any time. The point of this is that when we turn over my computer, for example, their forensic expert cannot generate a report that can be published by them at any time in the future. The key point is that it is our information, not theirs. But it does not mean that we are precluded from publishing our own confidential information. Linda Marshal provided a copy of the protective order which I have provided here.R – asp protective order So information like Mr. M Tax Returns were provided under that confidential seal and we did not retain those documents nor would we disclose that info even if we had.

But information we owned, even if we designate it as confidential, may be released at our discretion. So for example, our forensic reports even if designated confidential are on property we own and we can release it any time we want. Had Mr. M provided his personal computers and we did forensic evaluations on that computer we could not and would not disclose. But based on advice of counsel, we are in the right here.

And as far as we can tell our forensic reports were not designated as confidential. The reason for that is confidential information was not produced in the reports. Any information that could have been confidential, like the content of client files, was not the subject and not included in the report. Just that simple.

Attached is the letter Linda Marshall sent demanding I take the blog down. R – 15-10-3 letter (hasson) re sittingduck Now the agreement she referred to specifically provides for injunctive relief, which they have not chosen to do as yet. I presume that if they though they were in the right they would have done so months ago. Here’s the email from Joel on this. Joel’s Email

I have chosen to represent myself on this litigation. Worried that I may ask to do the same for the now inactive corporations, Joel filed the following today. R – [5] Objection The goal of this is simply to cost us money. It is an obvious ploy. Crazy.

Until next time.