Chapter 168 – Oregon Has The Highest Rate of Registered Sex Offenders Per 100k People In The Country

Oregon and Montana have by far the highest rates of registered sex offenders per 100,000 people — 749.06 and 646.65, respectively per

This is nearly 8 times higher than Washington and 4 times higher than California.

Kate Brown and the Democratic Party of Oregon for support the decriminalization of pedophilia. More than 75% of the Judges in the Portland Metro area are political appointments stemming from the chokehold the Dems have had on having both the majority of our legislature and on retaining the Governorship for the last 30 years.

More than half of the appointed Judges favor decriminalizing pedophilia and starting with child porn.

It’s hard to imagine that the pedo community does not know that Oregon is soft on these category of crimes.