Chapter 128 – Zweizig’s Attorneys Appear to Support Child Porn

Zweizig downloaded child porn on his 120 gig hard drive, using a peer to peer program registered to him. Much of this was focusing on incest, brother to brother and sister to sister. A criminal complaint was filed.

Zweizig’s had  a steady stream of attorneys working for his ultimate success on fraudulent employment claims and doing so for no current fee. In every case these people have known about the child porn and have tried to conceal it for economic gain. Almost all of them identify as LGBT. Lets list the attorneys.

Linda Marshall (idiot and sympathizer), aided and abetted in 15 counts of perjury and the destruction of evidence;

Bill Crow, arbitrator, referred Marshall to Zweizig, just came out of the closet;

Paul Papak, Judge, confirmed an award that by law should have been vacated, clearly sympathetic with pedophytes;

Joel Christiansen, openly concealed the child porn from the jury and engaged in six counts of perjury, bi-sexual, believed to be engaged in porn business;

Carol Bernick, CEO PLF, openly assisted Christiansen because I brought a case of fraud against her and the PLF, with irrefutable evidence, openly bi-sexual;

Shenoa Payne, Appeals Attorney referred to Zweizig and Christiansen by Carol Bernick, openly bi-sexual.

Ward Greene, appears to have been hiding under our noses for years.

I should point out that the Lesbian and Gay community oppose the pedophilia elements that try to identity with that community.

Let me emphasize that in every case these attorneys provide current services for free (no hourly fee), while pursuing fraudulent claims for employer retaliation and with the full knowledge that Zweizig downloaded child porn and destroyed software programming while attempting to cover up the porn.

It stands to reason that these attorneys support the downloading of child porn or are indifferent to it. No one should be indifferent and no one should be rewarded for that indifference.

From a public topic of importance, this is an issue of grave concern and needs exposure.

A community of attorneys working together to perpetrate fraudulent employment claims with the design of enriching a small subgroup of the LGBT community, in essence sacrificing the safety of our children for economic gain, is not distinguishable from them disseminating child porn for profit.

Child porn seeking behavior is in fact powerfully associated with the same sort of sexual arousal patterns (turned on by children instead of adults) associated with convicted pedophiles. There is mathematical evidence that this association works for child porn and pedophilic behaviors. The presence of child-porn-seeking behavior does not prove pedophilia, but when it is present, pedophilia is statistically more likely to be the case then not. See Article by Mark Dombeck, Ph. D.

I’ll add a few articles supporting this contention.child porn predicates.

dailey on homosexuality

chabad research 3

Pedophiles rebranding pedophiles rebranding under the LGBT umbrella.

We can’t support a litany of attorneys providing free legal services, attorneys indifferent to child porn and probable pedophilia activity of its clients, the collective effort to enrich that community by using the legal system to pursue fraudulent employment claims…or any other claim for that matter. But it seems clear that this group of quiet supporters of pedophilia have drifted to and are now firmly rooted in fraudulent employment claims.

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