Chapter 121 – Vogele and Christiansen

According to the Oregon Secretary of State, Vogele and Christiansen is just an assumed business name, which means that Joel and Jim are not actually partners in a firm. Instead they are just separate attorneys representing themselves as a firm, which I think violates the Oregon Rules of Professional Conduct. I’ll reach out to the Oregon State Bar to find out.

You can find their website here, but again I caution you to not be mislead on this point. See the Oregon Secretary of State document attached here vogele and Christiansen. 

The document shows they have not renewed their assumed business name even and it is now late.

I’ve written about Joel a great deal and have refreshed my lawsuit against him and Linda Marshall. Joel’s bio is here. You’ll note Joel has changed his win against me in Federal Court. My issue with Joel is simple, he’s a liar. There is a huge difference between advocacy and lying. But for those of you looking for an attorney that will lie for you, he may be just the one.

My amended complaint against Joel is here. accepted first amended complaint for defamation and malpractice (1). In that case I very allege that Joel perpetrated a fraud on the court, committed perjury by reference to a declaration he filed. You’ll not that I also filed a complaint against the Oregon State Bar Professional Liability Fund.

The issue for all of us as citizens is the PLF serves two purposes. First it provides malpractice Insurance which practicing Orgon attorneys must purchase in order to practice. Second, it serves the public interest by assuring us that there is an opportunity to recover for malpractice, which happens a lot here.

Unfortunately, the PLF is paying for attorney representation even when attorneys engage in defamation and fraud. That’s beyond the pale of reason. I’ll explore this in more detail later.


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