Chapter 118 – Is Joel Christiansen a Pedophile?

As I contemplate the forensic reports on his client Max Zweizig and the many many lies Joel told to the jury, his preposterous claims that I was planning the assassination of a judge, presumably to cover up the child porn, I’m left thinking the child porn part was personal for him. I’m not sure how Joel and Max met, but I suppose its possible that Max got his name from some directory of like minded men.

Lets look at the titles of porn Max downloaded to a 120 gig hard drive exclusively used by him. A forensic expert found this material and yes Max admitted to reformatting the hard drive. Some of the titles are as follows:

A. “Older Muscle Guy Fucks Young Twink”;
B. “older sisters get lesbian with little sister”;
C. “Older teen kisses, sucks and fucks hairless brother”; and
D. “Let daddy do it”.

I think you’ll agree that these are filthy videos and worse they were downloaded using a peer to peer program registered to Max. The forensic file is a public document in case 3:11-cv-911-pk, and in addition can be found elsewhere as media in this blog.

But lets focus a bit on Joel. In order to deflect attention away from Max, Joel decided to publish that I was going to attack a Senior Federal Judge. I’ve often wondered why an attorney, even one as lowly as Joel, would choose to fabricate an allegation like this and then with an expectation of confidentiality convey all manner of other things he has conjured up to support it? And then he lied about what he’d actually said, in declaration, in Federal Court, subject to perjury.

Joel lied about what he had said to deputy clerk to prevail on a motion to dismiss. I believe his attorney eventually discovered that Joel was lying and my silence joined the deception. That attorney, Matt Kalmanson, was hired by the Oregon State Bar PLF to represent Joel in a defamation lawsuit I filed against Joel.

Chief Judge Herndon believed Kalmanson and Joel and dismissed the defamation case. Having sent the forensic reports and new evidence from the U.S. Marshals Service to Judge Herndon, I’m confident he feels he had been duped by these attorneys, Kalmanson in particular. An attorney lying to the court is considered to have perpetrated a fraud upon the court and this is what Joel did. Kalmanson on the other hand had a duty to be transparent with the court about Joel’s lie and did not do so. It’s not the same as what Joel did, but close. Lets see if the court does anything about it. Kalmanson is a partner in the law firm of Hart Wagner.

On the one hand Joel wants special treatment as an officer of the court, calling on Judges to act in a biased way. Soliciting an abuse of a public office is of course a crime just like the abuse of a government office is. But Joel continues to do it and  he offers a transcript back in 2001 wherein I was thrown out of a Judges Chamber. The Judge was right to do so and I have apologized to the Judge in person, as an adult should do. Joel please take note.

On the other hand Joel has no problem submitting a declaration which omits the true content of his statement to a deputy clerk, showing his disdain for both the law and the truth. He’s been caught lying, committing perjury, multiple times.

Why is the re-publishing of a forensic report, already a public document, motivation enough for Joel to set decorum aside and launch a highly personal attack against me? Yes it has to do with some pretty filthy stuff downloaded by his client and yes a jury should have been able to see this information. I’m polling the jury even now to determine if it would have effected their decision in a recent case. I suspect the answer will be yes.

One theory as to Joel’s behavior is that he identifies with the child porn client and wants to use the legal system to attack people like me who dedicate their lives to saving children. He masks claims in other areas but he may really be seeking to punish the anti-pedophilia community. It’s one theory and a solid one. Why the PLF, Carol Bernick and others continue to fund his defense, given that it is not malpractice, is a mystery but raises questions of its own?

And it makes you wonder if Joel is connected to like thinking men and women who think having child porn is ok. And when he is asking for help from one attorney or another, if he is reaching out to people in this confidential community. Certainly, attorneys who file the same documents as Joel would seem to be in the same category of immoral adults, seeing no lines, evolving from child porn to pedophilia.

Joel’s behavior seems to consistently fall into areas of moral turpitude, an act or behavior that gravely violates the sentiment or accepted standard of the heterosexual, gay and lesbian communities. He lies, he cheats, he tries to steal, he commits perjury, conceals evidence and does not appear to take his officer of the court status seriously. And it does not appear to be just about money. If moral lines mean nothing to you Joel, where will you stop?

Thankfully for Portland, Joel has moved to Walla Walla, maintaining an office in Pendleton. I passed on the forensic reports to the Pendleton and Walla Walla police departments just so they would know who has moved in. Birds of feather flock together as it were.

I don’t think Joel’s a pedophile. Having child porn is a crime too. He has no children. He acts odd. He wont take a meeting even under the supervision of the police department. He does not work much. What does he do all day? Joel, if you have been abused get help before it is too late. Don’t hurt the children and don’t advocate for clients who do.

Find out more about child abuse statistics at


And yes Joel I see that you and your attorneys have been madly viewing and downloading associated media. I though you would. It does not feel very good when someone attacks you does it? I still recall so very clearly the Oregonian publishing Joel’s statements to Maxine, that I said filthy things about his client. Yes, accurate things. Joel did you mean to intimate that they were lies? Because, that’s what you did and that’s what Maxine published.

Carol Bernick, the PLF should not be funding the defense of an attorney who is being sued for perpetrating a fraud on the court. That is just nonsense. Pull off your dogs or you just might be sued for racketeering.

Judges of Clackamas County the record is clear. You cannot trust that the attorneys hired by the PLF are going to be honest with the court. The Oregon Rules of Professional Conduct demand that they be honest with the Court even to the detriment of their clients.

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